What are micropollutants?
The development of analytical methods and their increased availability have opened up the issue of micropollutants in water. Micropollutants are small polluting compounds that are produced by human society.
We don´t know much yet about the extent to which micropollutants or their metabolites harm the human body. However, it is clear that we need to be concerned about these substances, their impact on our health and, in particular, how to remove them.
Micropollutants include, for example, microplastics, pesticides, antibiotic and hormone residues, detergents and tensides, and daily care products.
Where did they come from?
Pesticides reach groundwater and surface water especially from the fields. Microplastics are commonly added to cosmetics (shampoos, creams, toothpastes, etc.), in paints or in wastewater from washing synthetic clothing. Antibiotics or hormones reach the wastewater through human excretion. Commonly used technologies at wastewater treatment plants cannot cope with micropollutants and so these substances end up in rivers. A few kilometres away, water from the river can serve as a source of drinking water.
Removal of micropollutants from drinking water
The barrier for microplastics is membrane ultrafiltration. The AMAYA ceramic membrane water treatment plant reliably removes microplastics from the treated water.
Research and subsequent practical applications show that other dissolved forms of micropollutants can be removed by sorption on granular activated carbon (GAC).
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